Annual Show 2015

Our students present an elaborate show, from the soft waves of Lasya to the thundering power of Thandava. Click here for the gallery of the extravagant evening.

Every year, as an integral part of our traditions, Sivanarthanalayam hosts a successful show presenting each student’s blossoming progress under the professional yet motherly guidance of Smt. Sivaraji Sivakumar.  With over 30 mind-blowing trainee performances; ranging from Allaripu to folk songs, Sivanarthanalaya not only explores all cornerstones of Bharathanatyam, but it goes into the deeper part of each and every dance of the Natya Shastra.

Vibrant costumes, aesthetic makeup, beautiful smiles; three qualities that Sivanarthanalayam’s students – from aged 5 to 19 – never fail to offer. All students present themselves at their absolute best in these memorable occassions. Here is the gallery marking each year’s highlights.